The Add Individual tool allows you to enter new patients into Penelope. Before adding a new patient to Penelope, you must search for the patient to see if they already have a profile in the system.
You must always search for a patient before creating a new record to prevent creating duplicate patient records.
From the My Home page:
Click Search
Enter the Patient's Last Name or First Name
Press Enter on your keyboard or click Go
The system will indicate if there is a matching patient in the results list. If a result appears, try to verify the patient information.
If a result appears:
Verify the Patient Information
If no matching record was found:
Click Individual
Click Add
Enter the Patient's First / Last Name, Gender and Date of Birth
When entering information, use the TAB key on your keyboard to quickly navigate fields.
Select your appropriate Site
Enter any potential Safety Concerns
Enter any potential Financial Concerns
The system will display a Duplicate warning if it finds a record with the same information.
Enter the Patient's Address
Indicate if the Patient Speaks English and their preferred Language
Enter the Patient's Phone Number and Email
If the patient does not have a phone number, enter (000)000-0000.
If the patient does not have an email address, enter
Enter any necessary Communication Instructions
Scroll Down
Even if the patient did not provide an email address, you must select their email communication preferences.
Select the Patient's Email
If no email was provided, select
Select the Email Preferences
Click Next
Required fields will always contain an *
Use the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate to the next field.
Use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate drop down windows.
Complete the Required Individual Demographics
Enter any Social/Medical History
Click Finish
This is the Individual Profile Page.
To review the Demographic information you entered:
Click Demographics
To return the the Profile Page:
Click Profile