T2 Administrators may require you to update your Okta password. This guide will outline what the reset email will look like and the process involved.
The password reset link is only valid for 1 hour.
You will receive an email from Okta
The subject will be Account password reset - T2 Tech Group - Okta Password Reset by Administrator
The password reset link is only valid for 1 hour.
The password reset link can only be clicked or used once.
The password reset email will include your First Name
Click Reset Password
The webpage should include a Grey Header and Connecting to... included in the header
Enter your T2 Username
Click Next
Scroll down if necessary
The password must be at least 15 characters and cannot be any of your last 10 passwords.
Enter the New password and Re-enter
Click Reset Password
Your Okta dashboard will load after the password has been reset.